Our Story

Blessed Soap and Candle Company: Our Origin Story

In the quiet town where I grew up, my parents were my greatest influences. My Dad and I shared a bond forged in the kitchen, where his unfulfilled dream of attending the Art Institute for Culinary Arts found life in our home. We spent countless hours cooking together, and it was in those moments that I discovered my passion for culinary arts. The kitchen was filled with laughter, the clatter of pans, and the warm aroma of home-cooked meals. It was a place where dreams and flavors mingled, setting the foundation for my journey.

Years later, I stepped into my first professional kitchen, and it felt like destiny. The sounds, the energy, the camaraderie — it all resonated with a deep part of me. I pursued my dream with fervor, eventually graduating from the Art Institute of San Diego with a degree in Culinary Arts. Walking across that stage, I felt my Dad's presence, his unfulfilled dreams blending with my own accomplishments. I had done it for both of us.

In 2020, my life was a testament to hard work and passion. I owned a bakery with my mom, was engaged to be married, and was living my dream. Then, the world changed. COVID-19 struck, and everything I knew was upended. In the face of this crisis, I felt a profound urge to help. I left the comfort of our bakery to join a skilled nursing facility, dedicating myself to caring for the elderly and supporting frontline workers. It was a challenging time, but deeply rewarding. I found purpose in serving others, crafting meals with limited resources, and bringing comfort to those in need.

Amidst this journey, my Mom has been my steadfast partner and biggest supporter. She is a visionary at heart, the creative spark that fuels our endeavors. While I focus on creating, my Mom handles the strategic aspects of our business. She's the brains behind our operations, and together, we form a dynamic duo — like yin and yang. Where I'm serious and focused, she is jovial and fun. Her entrepreneurial spirit has always inspired me, and it's because of her that I ventured into business.

As I started making candles and soap, I realized there were many like us—overworked, underpaid, and yearning for small comforts. With my Mom's encouragement and insight, we saw an opportunity to bring joy to others, offering high-quality, affordable products that could brighten their days. Drawing on my culinary skills and her strategic acumen, we navigated the world of raw materials, sourced the finest fragrances, and perfected our creations. Thus, Blessed Soap and Candle Company was born.

Our mission is simple: to bring happiness and positive change to your life. We believe that everyone deserves little luxuries, whether it's a soothing candle to relax after a long day or a beautifully scented soap to elevate your daily routine. At Blessed Soap and Candle Company, we're committed to crafting products that not only delight your senses but also fit your budget.

Join us on this incredible journey. Let us bring a bit of warmth, joy, and serenity into your life. Thank you for being a part of our story. Together, we can create something beautiful.

With gratitude,
Marie and Rachel
Blessed Soap and Candle Company